Adam & Eve - The Legacy of Witchcraft

The story of Adam & Eve is one that has been long told, it's as old as time. In this workshop we will break Adam and Eve out of the confines of the Judeo-Christian box that has trapped them in the book of Genesis. Tales of The Bright Ones as the creators of all things, keepers of Earth, creation, and humanity, tell us a different story of the legacy of human beings. This will be a spirit driven workshop diving deep into the angelic mysteries.
Free Workshop & Book Signing
Air and Fire's 15th Anniversary

Air and Fire is honored to have it's storefront open 15 years in Boulder Creek and we shall celebrate!
The party is September 14th 6 - 9 pm
There will be food, drink and merriment!
We will begin raffling off wonderful prizes about 8pm.
Blue Fire Reiki 1

Reiki Level 1 Classes at Air and Fire
Reiki is an energetic healing technique in which the practitioner channels pure source energy into the recipient to activate natural healing for physical, emotional, and spiritual issues.
Reiki level 1 Classes are held at Air and Fire.
First Friday Artwalk with Larry Cazes

August 3, 2018 from 6 - 9 PM
We invite you to Boulder Creek’s First Friday Artwalk from 6-9 pm. Stroll the streets of Boulder Creek and visit many shops open late featuring local Artists with a smile.
We are excited to feature mesmerizing worlds in glass created by Larry Cazes, with fumed gold, silver and opals. His art is truly amazing to behold. By request he has begun making his art into jewelry which he will share with us on Friday.
Mystic Saturday Love Snacks and Aphrodisiacs

In this class we will bring sexy back by taking a nourishing approach to sexual vitality with love snacks and herbal aphrodisiacs. We will explore herbal snacks and tonics that increase our sensual desires and enhance sexual energy. Through the art of charging our love snacks, we will blend our ingredients with intention and explore these enchanted love foods that awaken our senses, balance hormones and stimulate a healthy libido.
$25 workshop fee
Mystic Saturday Wand Magick part 1 & 2
Wands have several uses. We use them to connect with energies. We use them in reverence to our deities. These and several more will be discussed as we work.
Why make a wand? It is perfectly acceptable to purchase a wand, especially if you are drawn to do so. However, during the process of making one, it can be imbued with your purpose, your intention, your essence, and your spirit.
Wand Magick Part 1 is on Jan. 28, Part 2 is on Feb. 25th.
When you pay for both by the first class it is $40 for both or pay $25 each class.
Mind/Body Trance-formation

Mind/Body Nutrition Trance-formation 3 week Series
This 3-week Mind/Body Nutrition series combines health coaching, holistic nutrition education, healthy recipes and spiritual reclaiming work as a way to empower body image and heal toxic beliefs around food, body and diet.
We will discuss the various metabolic physiology associated with stress, digestion, and blood sugar and look at specific foods, plants and herbs that are supportive to these systems and how to incorporate them into our diet.
The goal of this series is to help people get centered in their body wisdom and allow this to be their guiding force around food and body. Each week we will use hypnotherapy to journey within to strengthen, empower and do spiritual reclaiming work. Mp3 of class hypnotherapy sessions will be provided for continued reclaiming and empowerment work.
Participants will walk away with a renewed appreciation for their body, a new perspective on food, and lots of healthy and delicious nutrient rich recipes. This class is not only about learning how to create a sustainable healthy diet, it’s also about personal growth, empowerment and newfound love of the body.
Instructor: Jenny Arnold
Dates: Thursdays January 12, 19, and 26
Time: 6:00-8:00
Mystic Saturday Prosperity Magick

Mystic Saturday Prosperity Magick with Emelia
December 10th, 12:30 - 2:30
This workshop is all about attracting prosperity and abundance into our lives. We will explore methods and techniques that work. There will be part discusion and part hands on time creating a charged tailsman to take with you. We will utilize crystals, stones, herbs and oils that assist prosperity and learn how to use them effectively.
Workshop fee: $25
First Friday Artwalk with Sharon Knight

First Friday Artwalk with Sharon Knight
December 2, 2016 from 6 - 9PM
Air and Fire is honored to host the Amazing Sharon Knight for her first Art show. Sharon Knight is a talented musician and rumor has it she may grace us with a few songs this night. Sharon's love for the ocean comes out in her mermaid and ocean themed art.
Stroll the streets of Boulder Creek, downtown shops are open late featuring local artists and good cheer. Stop in the local shops and see what you find. This is a free family friendly event.
Mystic Saturday Magickal Cleaning with Jte
Mystic Saturday at Air and Fire
Magickal Cleaning with J’te
Nov 12th, 2016 12:30 - 2:30 workshop fee $25 materials $5
This workshop is an introduction to a variety of homemade cleaning supplies, magickal workings and mundane follow thru activities that will make your home sparkle, Each participant will mix up at least 2 cleaning products, such as floor wash and basic household cleaner. A printed handout with recipes and uses is included and each participant will go home with several pre-made samples from the handout
A clean home means your magick works!
First Friday Art Walk

For October's First Friday Artwalk Air and Fire is featuring the Linda Mastrangelo of Dream Alchemy. She makes some very unique handcrafted jewelry with meaning.
Friday October 7th from 6 - 9 PM
Stroll the streets of Boulder Creek, shops will be open late featuring local Artists with a smile.
Natural Magick

-Introduction to Witchcraft
offered by Wytchwood School ©J’té Argent
at Air & Fire 13136 Highway 9, in Boulder Creek, Ca. 831.338.7567 www.airandfire.com
a seven session course
Wednesday evenings 7pm – 9pm
Sept 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9
13th Anniversary

Ancestor Magick

Mystic Saturday at Air and Fire
Ancestor Magick with Siwa
June 25th, 2016 12:30 - 2:30 workshop fee $25
Effective methods to contact, honor and work with your Ancestors. Creating Ancestor altars and making offerings. Finding your Ancestors, both blood and spiritual. This work includes Hoodoo and Conjure influences…Welcome to the graveyard!
Your $$$ reserves your place at the table...Maximum of 7
Sigil & Glyph Magick
Mystic Saturday at Air and Fire

Sigil & Glyph Magick with J’te
June 11th , 2016 12:30 - 2:30 workshop fee $25
This workshop is an introduction to sigil making, use of Glyphs and the power you hold simply with pen and paper. In magickal terms, a sigil is a tool – it’s a shape you design that tricks your mind into creating a specific effect into your life. Each participant will be guided toward creating a specific sigil. Unique and special papers & writing implements will also be discussed, with samples for all to see and touch.
Be careful what you ask for!
Elixir Magick

Saturday, May 28 Mystic Saturday Workshop
Elixir Magick with J'té Argent 12:30 - 2:30 workshop fee $25
This two hour workshop is an introduction to elixirs and the power they can hold. A powerful, magickal elixir will bring improved good health, enhanced psychic abilities and the fortification of inner strength.
Mind/Body Nutrition Trance-formation

Thursdays April 28 – June 9
Mind/Body Nutrition Trance-formation Workshop with Jenny Arnold 7:00 – 9:00 $150
This 6-week Mind/Body Nutrition workshop takes a 3-pronged Mind, Body, Spirit approach to healing. It is a combination of eating psychology health coaching, holistic nutrition education and healthy recipes, and positive mind/body dialogue through hypnotherapy and embodiment of the divinity within.
Dream Alchemy

Saturday, April 23 Mystic Saturday Workshop
Dream Alchemy Workshop with Linda Mastrangelo 12:30 - 2:30 workshop fee $25
Tap into the magic and wisdom hidden in your dreams! Dream sharing has been practiced for thousands of years by our indigenous ancestors because they understood its creative, spiritual and transformative power. In this introductory workshop, we will decipher the cryptic language of dreams and explore the ancient art of dream incubation, alchemy and lucid dreaming (dream yoga) practices. No experience necessary. Just bring a dream you wish to work with.
Incense Magick
Mystic Saturday at Air and Fire

Incense Magick with Natalie
May 14th, 2016 12:30 - 2:30 workshop fee $25
Creating & formulating magickal incense. Focus is understanding and working with the physical & magickal properties of herbs, flowers, spices & resins. Natalie D’Attile is a Feri Priestess and sole creator/owner of Dragon Moon Incense, exclusively available at Air & Fire in Boulder Creek…where there is Smoke there is Magick!
Ancestor Altar Magick
Saturday, April 9 Mystic Saturday Workshop
Ancestor Altar Magick with Siwa 12:30 - 2:30 workshop fee $25
How to build an altar. What if I don't have a lot of space? How to make an offering. What if I don't know my ancestors? This and so much more will be shared.
Candle Magick
Saturday, March 26 Mystic Saturday Workshop
Candle Magick with J’té Argent 12:30 - 2:30 workshop fee $25
Simple…Powerful….Effective Candle burning rituals call the Divine within us. They awaken power deep inside and bring us into powerful focus upon our goals. Working with fire is a primal magickal art. We will cover topics as follows: What is candle magick? Tools needed for candle magick; steps in candle magick; magick of colors; magick of essential oils; timing your spell work; dressing candles; appropriate spell work and Candle divination.
Stone Magick
Saturday, March 12 Mystic Saturday Workshop
Stone Magick with Roe Griffith 12:30 - 2:30pm workshop fee $18
"5 Ways to Explore Your Magick Rocks, Crystals, Minerals, Metals, Bones, and Shells"
In this workshop you will learn basic Stone Magick techniques around finding, understanding, and using your rocks, stones, and other treasures; helping you to expand your relationships with them.
Piseogs, Charms and Superstitions
"Piseogs, Charms and Superstitions - the Magic of our Irish Ancestors"
Irish author and educator Lora O'Brien has lived her whole life steeped in the myth and magic of her native island. Join us at Air & Fire on Sunday, Feb 21st, from 12 noon to 4pm - as we explore Ireland's past. The presentation will include a talk on the history, structure and examples of Irish piseogs, charms and superstitions - many of which are still practiced today - and a guided exercise using Lora's unique Otherworld Journeys methodology to meet the very Ancestors who may have used them.
You will be steeped in Ireland's magical culture, past and present, and learn a practical journeying technique you can continue to use in the future, to deepen your connection to Ireland.
Day of the Dead Ancestor Ritual and Aura Photos

Aura photos from 3-6 PM with Dennis
Single, couple and family photos are available, it is very interesting to see what orbs show up in your photo and the colors you create together.
6:30 Ancestor Ritual Begins
We will gather together in sacred space to honor our ancestors and beloved dead on this special day. Please bring offerings of flowers for the altar and a snack or finger food to share with others. You may also bring photos of your beloved dead to place by the altar and take with you at the end of the night.
Natural Magick

-Introduction to Witchcraft
offered by Wytchwood School©J’té Argent
at Air & Fire 13136 Highway 9, in Boulder Creek, Ca. 831.338.7567 www.airandfire.com
a seven session course
Thursday evenings 7pm – 9pm
Oct 29, Nov 5, 12, 19, Dec 3, 10, 17
Topics: history and Ethics; 4 Elements, tools; casting; Ancestor & spell work based on Spirit of the Witch by Raven Grimassi
Spirit Magick

The intention of this course is to awaken and vitalize the power of Spirit within you. When you are filled by the deep power of Spirit, your daily life glows. Spirit is the Divinity you are.
In this 4 session course we will explore the magick of Spirit and how to make it present in our daily lives. We will work with our hands, herbs, stones, colors, candles, and the power of our breath to create our own Spirit Mask, cast from our own faces and decorated to represent our deepest, divine self.
Let the Power of Spirit fill You!
Thursdays 7pm to 9pm
July 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd
Reiki Level 1 Class

Reiki Level 1 Classes at Air and Fire
Reikiis an energetic healing technique in which the practitioner channels pure source energy into the recipient to activate natural healing for physical, emotional, and spiritual issues.
Reiki Level 1 classes will cover the history of Reiki, how to ground and shield, hands on healing positions for yourself and others, and other Japanese healing techniques used in Reiki practice.
Reiki level 1 Classes are held at Air and Fire on
Wednesdays, June 10, 17, and 24, 7:00 - 9:30
Classes are taught by Reiki Masters
Kathy Hansen and Jenny Arnold
Underworld Magick
Underworld Magick
The intention of this course is to awaken and enliven the power of the Underworld Ancestors within you. When you are grounded by the mighty power of the Ancestors, your daily life is protected. The Underworldis a symbol of safety and solidity, nourished by Spirit.
In this 3 session course we will explore the magick of the Underworld Ancestors and how to make it present in our daily lives. We will work with our hands, herbs, stones, colors, candles, and the power of our breath to create our own Ancestor staff
Let the Power of the Underworld protect You!
Thursdays 7pm to 9pm
May 28th , June 4, 11
Star Magick Course (details here)
Let the Power of the Star Above glow!
In this 3 session course we will explore the magick of the stars Above and how to make it present in our daily lives. We wil work with our hands, herbs, stones, colors, candles and the power of breath to create our starry headband. at Air and Fire 13136 Hwy 9, Boulder Creek, CA
(831) 338-7567
Thursdays 7pm to 9pm
April 2nd, 9th, 16th
Instructor J’té Argent
Blade Magick
The intention of this course is to awaken and enliven the power of the Blade within you. When you are stimulated by the fiery heat of the Blade, your daily life is infused with power. The Blade is a symbol of passion and accomplishment, nourished by Spirit. It holds drive, motivation, and arousal. Each of us is the Blade propelling our own spirit to fulfillment.
In this 3 session course we will explore the magick of the Blade and how to make it present in our daily lives. We will work with or hands, herbs, stones, colors, candles, and the power of our breath to create our own Blade.
Let the Power of the Blade quicken!
Thursday evenings 7pm to 9pm, December 4th , 11th and 18th
Must sign up in advance
Saturdays 12-3 PM Nov. 8th, 22 & Dec. 6th.
By Kathy Joy Hansen and Jay Norry
Saturdays 12–3 PM Sept. 27th, Oct. 11th & 25th
By Kathy Joy Hansen and Jay Norry
Air and Fire's 11th Year Anniversary Event

Saturday September 13th, 2014
Everything will be on sale!
Chalice Magick
Chalice Magick Course
In this three session course we will explorethe magick of the Chalice and how to bring it daily into our lives. We will work with our hands, herbs, stones, colors, candles, and the power of our voices to create our own Chalice.
at Air and Fire
Wednesday evenings 7pm to 9pm
September 3rd, 10th and 17th
Taught by J'té Argent - Witch & Teacher
Intro to Reiki

Book Signing


Dance Magick with Siwa
Fridays at 6:30PM
Movement, as we were meant to do it, within sacred space, is one of the most powerful and empowering tools we possess.
Come join your mothers, your sisters, your daughters and I as we worship within the temple that houses our spirits and enjoy the MAGIC that is DANCE.
Love Magick Course (details here)
Love Magick Course
Wednesday evenings 7pm to 9pm
July 30th, August 6th and August 13th
The intension of this course is to awaken and enliven the Love within you. When you are empowered with Love, your daily life is infused with joy. Love creates a fluid balance that helps you move through all the changes in life with grace and strength.
In short "All You Need is LOVE!"
In this three session course we will explore what love means in our daily lives and how to bring it alive. We will work with herbs, stones, colors, candles and the power of our voices to create simple spells that are easy to use daily.
Hurray for Love!
Aura Photos

Aura photos for couples, friends or family are available and fun to see what you create together. Photo without the report is $20.
When: 12:00 - 5:00 Saturday July 19th.
See what colors appear in your aura and what it means. Your aura photo and report starts at $30.
Call the shop at 831-338-7567 to schedule your spot or drop in.
Sonic Alchemy: To Re-Enchant the World
Sonic Alchemy: To Re-Enchant the World

Come sing with nationally touring Celtic-Myth vocalist Sharon Knight at Air and Fire in Boulder Creek!
Sonic Alchemy is a process of transformation using music as the catalyst. We start with the premise that, like a musical instrument, we can go “out of tune”. When we do, we lose our sense of connection and purpose, and life loses its glimmer. Sonic Alchemy helps us to regain our harmony, and rekindle a sense of enchantment in our lives.
Sonic Alchemy is a gently guided journey through our inner landscapes, where we open, deepen, confront roadblocks, release, discover, and commit to our deepest desires. We use sound to orchestrate breakthroughs that may have been inaccessible otherwise. We can feel the resonance of sound in our bodies, which is why it can move us so profoundly. Through opening ourselves to song, we can gain perspective on aspects of our lives that we may have been too enmeshed in to see clearly before.
Sunday July 13th - noon - 3pm
Wear comfortable/yoga clothes.
Bring a journal, drums or rattles, and a water bottle.
Want to know more about Sonic Alchemy? Visit Sharon's blog:
$45 advance registration required.
Sharon Knight, Winter & S.J. Tucker Full Moon Concert at Air and Fire

San Francisco songstress Sharon Knight is a Celtic folk singer in leather armbands. She plays octave mandolin as if it were an electric guitar and sings as though she means to summon a storm. Her penchant for combining fierce and gutsy bravado with ethereal beauty, a hearty dose of fantastical lyrics, and an obvious love of storytelling has inspired her own musical style, “Neofolk Romantique”. Although her musical foundations are solidly built on her Celtic heritage, Sharon has never been one to hold fast to tradition, preferring instead to look to her roots for inspiration and then chart her own path. That path often sounds less Celtic and more “Folktales that ran away with the Faeries at the turn of the century and took cover in an old trunk bound for the circus, which was then commandeered by pirates.” She likes it this way.
Sharon’s distinctive voice and striking poetry have won her a loyal following across the country. Together with longtime collaborator Winter, she tours nationally several months out of the year, performing at festivals, masquerades, conventions, cafes, shops and house concerts. Their music has been heard on over 300 radio stations, enjoyed "top 10” status on MP3 and NAR charts, has been featured in three independent films, and captured the attention of major labels and independent labels alike. Sharon and Winter are the founding members of the gothic tribal folk metal band, Pandemonaeon, and they produce their own annual festival in California called Hexenfest. Winter has most recently played guitar on Blondie's latest album "Ghosts of Download," and has also produced and performed on Jessica Star's new album, "Mystical Creature."
The music of Sharon Knight combines a love of antiquity and romance with an affinity for the haunting and melancholy, adds a hearty dash of feistiness, and reminds us that we can all see the world through the eyes of enchantment.
Just added to the show is:
S.J. Tucker "Sooj"
Purchase tickets in advance for $20
$25 at the door
Intuitive Development Workshop (click for details)
 Intuitive Development Workshop Intuition (psychic sensing) is the ability to know things without using your five physical senses. In this two-part workshop you will learn to
* Be more conscious of your intuition in your everyday life
* Intuitively sense both face-to-face and at a distance
* Check the accuracy of what you are receiving
* Shield yourself from unwanted “noise”
* Do healing and make other positive changes in your and other’s lives
Class taught by
Jenny Sill-Holeman, CHt, RM
Practicing intuitive, healer and teacher for nearly 40 years
Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and ordained Interfaith minister
Reiki Share Healing Circle
Reiki practitioners come join us for an evening of healing the healers! Enjoy this opportunity to recharge your batteries and practice your healing arts!
Date: January 8th, and 2nd Sunday every month
Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Gather at 5:30pm, Reiki Share starts at 6:00pm
$5 - $10 donation requested. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Past Life Exploration (Click for details)
Date: Monday, November 21 from 6:00 – 8:00
Cost: $65.00 includes the 2 hour class and a one on one private session with Jenny Arnold, Certified Hypnotherapist.
Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life or felt like you have been here before? Or dreamed of being in a different time and place? Feelings and dreams such as these are your soul’s way of showing you what you are striving to learn on a deeper level.
Dark Moon Ritual
Date: Sunday November 20th, 5:30pm Gather, Ritual 6:00pm
The potency and power of life force energy, mana, chi, and known by many other names, come tap into this energy with us at our next Dark Moon ritual. We will get it flowing and moving throughout our bodies with a guided meditation. Clearing away, making space and calling your desire to you.
Gather at 5:30, ritual begins at 6:00
We ask for a $5 - $15 donation as your contribution which goes towards the materials we will be using, food, drink and space. No one will be turned away for lack of funds
Beginning Hand Drumming (Click for details)
Dates: Sundays - 11/20, 11/27, 12/11, 12/18
Time: 2:30 - 4 pm
Price: $60 for the 4-class series, paid by the first class, or $20/class drop-in
You'll learn...
Basic technique for djembe, ashiko, and conga types of drums:
How to hold and position your drum
How to get the proper sounds from your drum and really make it sing
How play for hours without getting tired or hurtin' your paws
Aura Photography (Click for details)
Date: Sunday November 13, 2011
Time: 12:00 - 5:00 pm
Bio Feedback Imaging - What do your colors tell?
Join us at Air and Fire for this fun event! Come get your Aura View, Full body view, Chakara View and/or 3D View.
Aura Photo pricing starts at $25.00. Visit www.auraphoto.com for more info.
State Parks Fundraiser with Local Author Reading and Tree Planting

Saturday November 12, 2011 from 2:00 - 3:30
Welcome young and old to a special State Parks fundraiser held at Air and Fire.
Loretta Halter, 5th grade public school teacher, local author and publisher of Nature's Hopes and Heroes, will be reading excerpts from her environmental children's sories, "A voice for the Redwoods", and lead children in a craft and tree (or native plant) planting activity. For every book sold, she will donate $5.00 from her proceeds to Portola and Castel Rock State Parks Foundation.
Valerie White, Life Coach and Psychic Reader will be available for readings and donating 10% to the cause.
Air and Fire will donate 5% of all sales at the event.
Stephanie Sakasai, local musician, singer, teacher and environmental activist, will also be there to support the cause with her lovely music.
Central Coast Wilds, a Santa Cruz nursery dedicated to growing and preserving native plants, will be contributing redwood saplings that originate from San Lorenzo Watershed.
This event is Free!
Blue Fire Reiki Level II (Click for Details)

Reiki Second Degree:
Workshop Schedule and Fees:
Saturday November 5, 2011, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Saturday November 12, 2011
Fee: $150.00 - $200.00 Sliding Scale
All information and techniques are covered including:
• Reiki Level Two Attunement and Symbols
• Creating inner and outer Sacred Space for distant Healings
• Training and Guidance for performing distant Healings
• Etheric Anatomy and Blue Fire Breath Techniques
• Healing and Laying of Stones
• Magickal use of Reiki
Rune Power
Engaging in the ancient ways of rune power!
This series of classes is on Fridays Nov 4, 11, 18, December 2, 9, 16 & 23. All classes meet at Air and Fire at 7pm and end around 9pm. Air and Fire is located along Highway 9 in Boulder Creek California .
Dance Magick

Date: Ongoing October and November, Every Thursday
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Let the rhythm of your heart move your hips...
Let the rhythm of living open your feet...
Let the rhythm of dance open your spirit to joy.
Folkloric belly dance with SIWA, all levels & genders are welcome.
Join us in this healing and nuturing space. Drop-ins are fine.
Every Thursday (excluding holidays)
New Moon Ancestor Ritual

Artwork credits go to Monarch Teacher Network www.MonarchTeacherNetwork.org
On the new moon we will gather in sacred space to honor our ancestors & beloved dead. What is remembered lives... and this work is always needed. While the veil between our worlds is thin, we will journey to the river of blood and commune with those who have crossed over, seeking guidance in our lives. We will feed our dead and offer light to assist those in need or recently departed.
You may bring a picture or symbol of your ancestors or beloved dead to put on the altar. Please bring offerings of food or flowers to share with them. We ask for a $5 -$15 donation, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Gather at 6:30 pm, ritual begins at 7:00
Dark Moon Divination
We will tap into the hidden through experimentations with runes, tarot, spirit board, scrying and the pendulum, receiving readings by practitioners skilled in these divinatory arts.
Donations of $5.00 - $15.00 suggested. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Reiki Share Healing Circle:
Reiki Share Healing Circle:
Reiki practitioners come join us for an evening of healing the healers! Enjoy this opportunity to recharge your batteries and practice your healing arts! Special attention will be given to the healing of past traumas associated with this day’s anniversary.
Date: September 11, and 2nd Sunday every month
Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Gather at 5:30pm, Reiki Share starts at 6:00pm
$5 - $10 donation requested. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Dark Moon Ritual
Sunday August 28, gather at 5:30 Ritual at 6:00pm
We will walk down to the river and attune to the land. Through guided meditation we will explore the Faery Realm.
We ask for a $5 - $15 donation as your contribution which goes towards the materials we will be using, food, drink and space. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Healing Poppet Bear
Create your own Healing Poppet Bear
Two Wednesdays June 8th & 22nd, 2011 6:30 - 8:30 pm
New Moon Solar Eclipse Gathering
This is our first New Moon gathering in our new space. We are excited to share it with you & spin light into positve action.
There is a new moon partial solar eclipse occurring this day. To utilize this energy our focus is to bring something new into our lives, oppertunities, positive growth and expansion. We will take a fresh breath into renewal, enlivening and direction of true will.
June 1st, 2011, Gather at 6:30 Ritual begins at 7:00
$10 - $20 is the suggestion donation but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
We are now located 3 doors north of our previous location in Boulder Creek. You'll find us.
Dark Moon Shiva Shakti Ritual
Friday April 1st
Shakti and Shiva, pure unmanifest consciousness to creation through the Power of Love. Shakti and Shiva are the manifestation of Love. Join us in a devotion to them, for they are united in Love. Through this energy we will honor and empower our sacred selves. We will anoint one another as we begin our journey into the profound love of our heart chakra. We will embrace the inner peace that lies within each of us, celebrating our connection to all.
Gather at 6:30, ritual begins at 7:00
We ask for a $10 - 20 donation which covers the cost of materials used, cakes & wine and benefits the shop. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Free Concert (click for details)

Free Concert with Amelia Hogan
Saturday Dec. 11, 2010 2:00 PM
at Air and Fire
Come to a very personal concert of Irish songs and histories. It will be an evening of a-capella music that weaves a spell of history and magic through the singing of Amelia Hogan.
This Concert celebrates Irish history as expressed through the voice of the storyteller in ballads, songs and the Sean Nos tradition. She''ll bring you on a journey of Irish experience from the old world to the new. From the wild mountains to the soggy turf, you'll travel an Irish road. It will begin with some traditional pieces that create a setting for the story and move through the journey to what the new world would have been for those new citizens. These songs are typically arrhythmic and unaccompanied and were meant to be sung by the fire to a very intimate audience. But there's so much more than Sean Nos to Celtic music. It the legacy of the immigrant, and it's all of ours.
Dark Moon Ancestor Ritual

Artwork credits go to Monarch Teacher Network www.MonarchTeacherNetwork.org
November 5, 2010 at 6:30 pm
On the dark night of the moon we will gather in sacred space to honor our ancestors & beloved dead. What is remembered lives... and this work is very much needed now and tomorrow. While the veil between our worlds is quite thin, we will journey to the river of blood and commune with those who have crossed over, seeking guidance in our lives. We will feed our dead and offer light to assist those in need or recently departed.
You may bring a picture or symbol of your ancestors or beloved dead to put on the altar. Please bring offerings of food or flowers to share with them. We will be circling inside the shop and space is limited, so please RSVP. We ask for a $10 -$20 donation, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Dark Moon Crossroads Ritual
Join us when the moon is dark and focus your energy. The strength of the Goddess Hecate and the Air and Fire family will shine the flames upon the path at the Crossroads Junction. Bring your key to the place where 3 roads & two rivers meet to unlock the mystery. The choice is before you... you have the key... now choose the way.
Our crossroads working will focus on strength, change and alignment with our true will to bring about fulfillment of our destiny. Please bring a key with you to charge up or you may purchase one from the shop. We will meet at Air and Fire at 6:00 and take a short walk to the river.
It might get chilly... so bring a jacket.A $10 – 20 donation is requested. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
Air and Fire 7 Year Anniversary
We are delighted to be celebrating our 7th Year Anniversary!!!
* Saturday & Sunday September 11 & 12th we will have a storewide sale! Including all the new statues, crystals and jewelry that just arrived.
* We will provide treats from 1:00 - 5:00 on Saturday and Sunday Sept. 11 & 12.
* Saturday September 11th from 1:00 - 5:00 we will be offering free Reiki Energy Healings with Shelley.
We hope to see you here.
New Moon Ritual
New Moon Ritual
Wednesday. September. 8th @ 7:00 PM

On this New Moon Night we will journey into our Divine Selves, drawing upon the life force the universe has gifted in abundance. Energy and essence tap into the flow, draw it in, feel it merge with your core, recharge and awaken your primal centers. Integrate the essence of your divinity and set intention for this moon. Join us as we open the way...
Natural Magick
Natural Magick -Introduction to the Craft offered by Wytchwood ÔJ’té Argent 2006
at Air & Fire
A seven week course
Thursday evenings 6:30-8:30
August 26, September 9, 16, 23, Oct. 7, 14 & 21
Course fee $140 plus $15 lab fee for workbook + materials
Jamie Martinez Wood book signing
We welcome you to Air and Fire for a book signing and talk
by Jamie Martinez Wood
to promote her newest book
The Faerie's Guide to Green Magick From the Garden
Saturday August 14th 1:00 PM
New Moon Solar Eclipse Love Ritual
The solar eclipse is a powerful time to work some carefully directed magick!. The sun and moon seemingly merge and create a unique opportunity to channel this dynamic force into our lives. For this occurrence we will work with the foundational essence of LOVE!
What defines love for you???
Love is tender. Love is bliss. Love can be fierce. Love is being in the divine energy that we are… that we share… that in which we seek... a feeling and force that originates and emanates from YOU. We at Air and Fire Love You! Come join us as we share in the love.
We will meet at Air and Fire at 7:00pm, then take a short walk to the river and explore love through meditation surrounded by the vibrancy of nature.
Magickal Basics
at Air & Fire 13124 Highway 9, in Boulder Creek, Ca. 831.338.7567
A five session course
Thursday evenings 6:30-8:30
Begining July 8, 15, 22, 29 & Aug. 5, 2010
New Moon Prosperity Ritual

Sunday June 13th at 6:30
We invite you to Air and Fire in celebration of the New Moon. As our days grow longer towards the Summer Solstice and our nights skies prepare for the birth of this Strawberry Moon, an abundance of energy is building up. We will all participate in a ritual tapping into the flow of this universal energy and direct a stream of prosperity to rain upon each of us enhancing our lives. Bring your beautiful smile and an open mind with you.
A donation is Requested.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds.
New Moon Fey Ritual
Come with us to the riverside to embrace the divine elements where water meets earth. Down to the water to play with the Fey in the twilight hour. Reach deep into your core being as we journey into the Underworld and open the Sacred Well to commune with our Ancestors and the Faery Beings. Look deep within the well to discover the magic of the primal visionary forces and take home new insights to grow with the moon.
We plan to meet at Air and Fire at 6:30 and leave at 6:45 for a short walk down to the river.
If it is raining we will stay at Air and Fire for our entire working.
Donation requested.
No one turned away for lack of funds
Dark Moon Divination

April 11, 2010 6:30PM
Join us at Air and Fire as we celebrate with the energies of the Dark Moon. We will journey to the realm of Sprit and Divination. Through guided meditation we will be lead to self awareness and knowledge of our innate psychic abilities, aligning our minds’ eye with the pulse of the universe. We will tap into the hidden through experimentations with Feri Stones, runes, tarot, spirit board and the pendulum, receiving readings by practitioners skilled in these divinatory arts.
Donations requested. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Dark Moon Ritual
Dark Moon Ritual on Saturday March 13, 2010 6:00 pm
Join us at Air and Fire as we celebrate with the energies of the Dark Moon. We will be releasing that which no longer serves us and aligning our hearts and minds with the pulse of the universe. We move into the season of cultivation, growing and transforming the seeds we have planted in our lives. You will be taken through a meditative journey of divine discovery and charging crystals to take home with you along with a fresh perspective and understanding to sprout in the new moon.
Air and Fire vending at Pantheacon Feb. 12 - Feb. 15, 2010
Lots of workshops, classes and rituals to choose from.
Pantheacon is held at the Double Tree Hotel
2050 Gateway Place, San Jose CA 95110. 408-453-4000
Click here for more info on Pantheacon 2010
Thorn & Sharon Concert

FREE CONCERT with Sharon Knight & T. Thorn Coyle Saturday, October 3, 7:00 pm
Spiritual Direction & Psychic Readingswith Thorn 1 – 5 by appointment only Schedule yours in advance 831-338-7567 Air and Fire, A Mystical Bazaar in Boulder Creek

Anaar, Author of The White Wand & Creator of the Dark Imaginations DVD Join us for a ritual bellydance performance & signing
Saturday, August 22,12:00 pm, at
Air and Fire, A Mystical Bazaar in Boulder Creek 831-338-7567Anaar is a graduate of the Victor Anderson school of madness. Greatly influenced by the mad poet, she has sought to create works of great mystery and power. Her aim is to bring you dark imaginations, intense pleasures, sacred emotion and fierce beauty.
T. Thorn Coyle's New Book Signing
Author of Evolutionary Witchcraft
T. Thorn Coyle’s brand new book
“Kissing the Limitless”
Free Book Signings
Saturday, March 14th 12:00 - 2:00 pm
at Air and Fire, A Mystical Bazaar in Boulder Creek
Sunday March 15th 12:00 – 2:00pm
at The Sacred Grove in Santa Cruz
T. Thorn Coyle & Sharon Knight

Book signing with T. Thorn Coyle, author of Evolutionary Witchcraft.
Plus special guest Sharon Knight will also be here!
Join us for a free concert with Sharon Knight & T. Thorn Coyle
to kick-off their new CD "Songs of the Waning Year".
Saturday December 6th 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Magickal Basics
Magickal Basics
-Exploring the Basic Principles of Magick
a four session course
Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:30
Sept. 10, 17, 24, Oct. 1, 2008
Natural Magick
Natural Magick
Introduction to the Craft
A Seven week course
Wednesday evenings 6:30-8:30
October 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12 &19
Magickal Basics
Magickal Basics
-Exploring the Basic Principles of Magick
Natural Magick
Natural Magick
-Introduction to the Craft
Rune Class Forming
Natural Magick
Natural Magick -Introduction to the Craft A seven week course Thursday evenings 6:30-8:30 June 14, 21July 12, 19, 26 Aug. 9 & 16 of 2007
Art & Wine
The 18th Annual Boulder Creek Art, Wine and Music Festival May 26, 27 & 28 We will have a booth out in front of our store, featuring Air and Fire's natural products and original paintings by our own Alex Pena, including several new paintings never shown before. Be sure and stop by and say hello. Baba Vern, a Shaman, Spiritist & Priest of Obatala will be at Air and Fire available for Spirit Guide Readings & Ancestral Obi Readings during the festival. He has been doing spiritual readings for over 4 decades, his readings are very enlightening and to the point. It is a real honor for us to have him here. Willow, Local Artist and Rune Teacher will be available for Rune Readings on Sunday from about 12 - 3.
Magickal Basics
Magickal Basics -Exploring the Basic Principles of Magick offered by Wytchwood ÔJ’té Argent 2006
Air and Fire 13124 Highway 9, in Boulder Creek, Ca. 831.338.7567 info@airandfire.com
a four week course
Thursday Evenings 6:30 - 8:30 May 3, 10, 17, 31 2007
Magickal Basics
Magickal Basics -Exploring the Basic Principles of Magick Thursday Evenings 6:30 - 8:30 September 7, 14, 21, 28, 2006
Natural Magick
Natural Magick -Introduction to the Craft A seven week course Thursday evenings 6:30-8:30 October 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 2006
BMS March
Body Mind and Spirit Night
Postponed due to us moving Moon Magick 2
BMS Jan-Feb 2006
Body Mind and Spirit Night
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Cost: $15 January 15, 2006 "Moon Magick" Class is full No BMS in February
Live Performance by Sharon Knight
Free Concert and CD signing w/ Sharon Knight Saturday Dec. 17th, 1 - 2:30 pm
BMS Oct. - Dec. 2005
Body Mind and Spirit Night is back!!!
One Sunday a month
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Cost: $15
October 23 Halloween & Samhain November 20 "Underworld" December 4 "Bibliomantic Scrying"
Natural Magick
Natural Magick -Introduction to the Craft A seven week course Nov 12, 19, Dec 3, 10, 17, Jan 7 & 14
Magickal Basics
Magickal Basics -Exploring the Basic Principles of Magic
Scott Helland
Air and Fire welcomes New York musician Scott Helland for a free instore promotional musical performance June 13th from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Art & Wine Festival
The Boulder Creek Art and Wine Festival May 28, 29 & 30th Come on out... eat... drink and be merry.
Pele's Paradise
Pele's Paradise Friday May 20, 6 - 10 p.m.
Natural Magick
Natural Magick -Introduction to the Craft Saturdays 10:30-12:30
Magickal Basics
Magickal Basics -Exploring the Basic Principles of Magic
Body, Mind & Spirit Night (Dec.)
Body Mind & Spirit Night December 5th "Manifesting Abundance"
Sabbat Wheel
Sabbat Wheel /bigger>/bigger>The Wheel of the Year /bigger>A focused exploration and study of each of the 8 Sabbats and the Cylces of the Moon
Body, Mind and Spirit Night (Oct & Nov)
Body Mind & Spirit Night
October 17th "Honoring our Ancestors" October 24 "Halloween & Samhain"
November 7th "Underworld"
November 21st "Past Lives"
Elder Futhark Runes
Natural Magick
Natural Magick
-Introduction to the Craft
Body Mind and Spirit Night (August)
Body Mind & Spirit Night
August 8th "Candle Magick"
August 22nd "Numerology"
Body, Mind & Spirit (July)
Body Mind & Spirit Night
July 11th "Crystals & Stones"
July 25th "Scrying"
Magickal Basics (click for new dates)
Magickal Basics
-Exploring the Basic Principles of Magic
There and Back Again
• moving safely through deity and spirit trance-possession •
• based upon teachings of Victor Anderson •
Presenters: J’té Argent and Alison Harlow
Open Drum Session
Drum Session
Kevin Marshall of Kekuja
Intro to Elder Futhark Runes & Rune Meditation & Magick